Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blog #10

Bamyeh Postnationalism

Europe started nationalistic ideals which branched out to postnationalism. Nationalism is something we can readily talk about since it's in our recent history. According to the reading it is either good or bad. Most forms of nationalism are alike, since they all stemmed from the European model. It called for costly wars and activities that devastated the world. Many see globalization as a way to forgo nationalistic ideas. Globalization seeks out alternative ways to form relationships and bonds without doing so nationalistically. Post nationalism is harder to define, it is neither all good nor all evil. It is a relatively new philosophy that has yet to play out and has an unforeseen future. In each human are four different values. The first is interests, which allows camaraderie through material possessions. The second is universality, which allows fellowship through mutual human ideals. For example, feminism and human rights.The third is freedom, including individual freedom and freedom of expression. Music is a common form of free expression as well as art. The last form is spiritual solidarity.

Halle Apprehending Transnationalism

Globalization in one sense opens up the world to new markets, greater production, and promotes human interdependence. It is both desired and criticized. America has had an impact on the world's media, both through our own media and our industry. The author tries to make a unbiased account on the American film industry and how past critics had judged it. I feel like this part was somewhat confusing, several of the names were unfamiliar. Statism was a very interesting topic. I found the concept of freezing the present in an attempt to live in the past very poignant. Some see the future, via inventions, technology in a bad light. They only see the glory of the past not the vision of the future. But culture is not only one time period, it evolves with the population. Culture cannot be stopped and withheld from changing. Some protagonists for statism view the upkeep of heritage and tradition as the only way to live in the present. The example of the German family being seen as not adequate entertainment from an amusement park as they would through a traditional hike through the Black Forest.

Patomaki Critical Response to Neoliberal Globalization

Cosmopolitan democracy is a political organization that is more flexible than a normal democracy. It is not solely about a strong central government. The people have more influence on the decisions being made. Globalization is about expanding social systems and restructuring social space. Neoliberal globalization in the most general way makes the rich richer and the poor poorer. It promotes the elites and strengthens their position within the society and country. The role of the middle class is mainly decreased. And the state of living for the majority of the population has decreased, poverty has increased

What role will postnationalism play in the future? Has the world seen the end of destructive nationalism?

-Kayla O

1 comment:

  1. In the future, postnationalism will continue to be a catalyst for globalization and the spread of ideals. I am not sure if nationalism can ever be fully quelled, the end of the Cold War brought a surge of nationalism to China and Taiwan.
