Monday, June 14, 2010

The Disney One

While I found most of the people in the video to be pretentious intellectual elitists, I'll allow that they did make some interesting points. There is blatant racism and stereotyping in Disney's movies. Also the sexism and the pushing of the female ideal were really interesting to see, especially in animal form. What's scary to me is to think that kids are watching this garbage in their most formative years. These are the things that will stay with them and I can even think back about how I was misinformed by some stupid Disney movie.

But what really annoyed me about all these blow hards in the movie was that they think Disney has some kind of responsibility to the public. These people will sit there all day and talk about freedom of expression but as soon as something comes along that doesn't fit with their agenda they immediately change their tune. Yeah it does racially profile characters and yeah it is sexist but they can do whatever they want. If you don't like don't let your stupid kids see it. What especially frustrated me was the woman at the end talking about how commercialized it is and how that was the most upsetting thing about it. Disney is a company, and the objective of all companies is to make money. Again, just don't buy all the junk if you have such a big problem with it. So while I don't agree with what Disney peddles, I would argue to the end their right to peddle it. This is America for Christ's sake.

Chris N

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